Thursday, December 1, 2011

December is here!

Now that Thanksgiving is over, we finally brought out our Christmas decorations and most importantly the MUSIC! I swear I could repeat the Nsync Holiday CD over and over again and not get sick of it. If you haven't listened to it, you must find time in your busy schedules to make it a priority! I couldn't be happier with all these 65 degree days yet it's been sad to see the fall leaves diminish as winter gets closer. Thanks to my mom we have been driving around town hitting all the hot spots for pictures, before the trees completely shed their leaves.


  1. So cute Ken! I love the pictures, and I agree nothing better than that NSYNC XMAS cd!!

  2. GORGEOUS girl! These pictures are beautiful.
    And seriously? 65 degree weather? Sounds SO dreamy, haha! Winter is NOT my favorite time of year :)
    So glad I found this cute blog!

  3. I stumbled on your blog and I really like the concept! Nice to "meet" you :o)

  4. these pictures are so beautiful.
