Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween

Halloween used to be my favorite holiday when I was a kid, I am a huge candy lover and thought there was nothing better than having a bag full of candy to snack on. My Halloween candy would only last a few days, since I had no self control over my candy habits. Now that I can't trick or treat anymore it has fallen down the list of my favorite holiday. But today I did celebrate by eating Milk Duds for breakfast! I hope you all have a fantastic Halloween!

Thanks Mom for taking some pictures for me :)

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Nail Pinsperation

This week I already talked about my outfit Pinsperation over here But yesterday I also was pinspired to do this nail design. Super simple and quick! I love the scattered specks of gold, and the soft pink that peaks through. Here is the original from Cupcakes and Cashmere:
And here is my recreation:
What I used:
Essie French Affair (pink)
Sephora by OPI Only Gold for Me Top Coat

I am linkin up over at All Things Lovely, check it out for more Pinterest recreations!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

I think it's time for BREAK!

After these past crazy two months, I think it is time for Thanks Giving Break to come our way! My life consists of waking up at 5:00 am for seminary, school till 2:30 pm, volleyball practice till 5:00 pm, and then I have dinner, homework and my day starts all over again... 'LUCKY ME!' I swear I will end up getting grey hair by the time I am 20, and old lady wrinkles by age 25 with all the lack of sleep I am getting(Hmm, maybe that's what I should be for Halloween, and OLD LADY). But I don't know how I would go through everyday without my sistas' support in everything I do. It has taken us many years to realize that it is so much easier to support each other than to tear one another down, which we have done plenty of times. We all are much closer and happier now that we find ways to get along. I look up to everyone of them because of the great examples they have set for me. Since we all are at different points in our lives, I find out new things everyday by their posts on our blog, just like all of you. This is a new chapter in all of our lives, and I hope this blog can continue to spread to all!

Monday, October 24, 2011

It's my life!

My brother Tanner is a senior in highschool and trying to expand his talents. He is currently taking "lessons" from my mom for photography! Tanner has such an eye for cool places to take pictures that I NEVER thought would look good....such as graffiti tunnels, ghetto ditches and neighborhoods in our I have to say thanks Tan for taking the awesome pictures that you did!  I figured this post I would just talk about where I'm at in my life, and goals and dreams for the future.  I'm a student at Brigham Young University in Idaho, finishing my pre-reqs for the nursing program that I WILL be getting in to (not sure where, or how, but I'll find a way! If you have any good nursing school recommendations...lemme know!) I'm living at home in Southern California with my family for the time being, and working as assistant manager at PacSun. Its been such a great job that has given me so much opportunity.  This time of year always goes by slow since I go from my busy life of being a full time student + social life, to coming home, working, and absolutely no social life for 5 months.  However, its great to be able to live with my family, not have to pay for housing or food, and save up!  I really can't complain that none of my friends are home because my siblings Tanner (17), McKenna (14), and Landon (5) are so much fun and have become some of my bestest friends.  But yes, sometimes it does get discouraging and lonely...this past year I've had a lot of ups and downs, that I didnt know I would go through.  There is still so much unknnown for the future such as what car should I get, where should I transfer schools, is nursing even the right career for me, who i'm going to marry, ....the list goes on. But one thing that I do know now more than ever, is that there is a God. There is a God who is watching over me and knows the answers to all of my questions and doubts.  I know that if I put my trust in him, and have faith, he will guide me to where I'm supposed to go, so I shouldn't worry.  I know this to be true because I have many times seen His hand in my life , and have had so many blessings come from the trials. I am now a stronger person and grateful for these experiences. Anyways, Happy Monday and have an amazing last week of October!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

LESSON PLANS, lesson plans, AND MORE LESSON plans!!!

Based on the title I will give you one guess as to what my life has consisted of the last few weeks.....
I am currently in my last semester of college and teaching in a 5th grade classroom and I couldn't ask for a better group of kids! Working til midnight and waking up at 5 to get to school early with a 40
min commute is not my favorite since I am a Wilson and love my sleep... but by the end of the day it is all worth it!!
Although there is so much preparation and time and critique (points getting docked for either writing with a faded whiteboard marker or letting kids talk while doing an "activity"..i thought an activity was supposed to be fun) that goes into teaching... I can't help but be happy when I am in th
e classroom. I always have students hugging (hanging) on me, complimenting me, making hilarious comments their parents would not be happy with me sharing, and my favorite... eating hot lunch with the same old school lunch trays and chocolate milk in a carton (I still struggle opening) and playing four square at recess! I think I look forward to recess just as much if not more then they do.. I cannot wait til the day I have a class of my own!!
so now that I have a few min and since my sisters are so fabulous at posting tips about cool things (eyebrows, hair, nails, clothes) I thought it would only be fair for me to give some tips on some recent lessons Ive prepared :)
If you are ever in a bind and have nothing to do.. how about write an autobiography aka..journal??, or observe objects for fun and decide what kind of polygon they are.. Don't know what one is?? Don't worry.. I got ya

This Sunday while my roommates and I were at church, someone(s) came in our apartment and thought they would be funny by putting all of our beds in the living room. Little did they know they did me a favor..I decided to keep my room empty this week so I would not be tempted to take a nap and now have a spacey work room!

The fun part is trying to figure out how everything will fit in my big red bag each day... I am sometimes tempted to bring my suitcase so I'm not having to haul everything around in my arms!
Welp...this is me and where I am at in my life right now!!! I love it and can't wait to see where the next step takes me!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

3 styles...3 curls...3 minutes

The headband rap

Sock bun

The one and only french braid
Headband rap: Thanks to pinterest I have learned a few ways to curl my hair with no iron!!!! The tutorial for the headband rap you can find here. Out of all the other iron free curls, I have to say this one is my favorite. Since my hair is so thin, when I take the headband out in the morning it turns into Taylor Swift curls. I do have to do a few touch ups when I wake up in the morning, but in the end I don't damage my hair nearly as much! I wish I could have taken the after pictures for all the styles, but in later posts I will show the results.

Sock Bun: I feel, the sock bun works best on thick hair. Whitney posted on her blog how her hair turned out, and it looks amazing!! My results didn't turn out nearly as well as hers did, but I think it was because my hair was really damp when I did it. I again found how to do this through pinterest here.

French Braid: I LOVE the way the french braid turns out! Depending on how tight you make the braid, will effect the crimp. I spray my hair with a squirt bottle when it is dry, and then braid it tight. I sleep on it just like the others, and when I take it out it is pretty waves that stay in all day! You can add gel if you want, but I definitely recommend hairspray!! After a couple weeks of practice, I finally can french braid my hair on my own, but if you can't, start by practicing on someone else.
I hope you enjoy these few ways of curling your hair, and feel free to email or tell us how your hair turns out.

p.s. I'm linking up to All things Lovely where you can check out other pinterest recreations :)

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Brows Matter

Have you noticed the trend of bigger and fuller eyebrows? I'm not sure if I have only recently caught on to this since becoming a brunette or if it really has become the trend. I got my make-up done a few months ago and couldn't believe the difference that eyebrows really make to framing your face. Ever since then, doing my eyebrows is my favorite part of my make-up routine. Here are my step-by-step instructions of coloring in eyebrows only and you can also find a great tutorial about plucking and shaping below.

Tools: Angled brush and eyeshadow similar to the color of your hair, I like to go a shade or 2 darker.

1. Remember in elementary school when you would outline a picture first and then color it in? That is exactly what I do with my brows. First Outline. I first draw a vertical line where my brows start (the thicker part, this should be where your eye is closes to your nose).
2. Then I trace the natural curve of my very thin eyebrows all the way around.
3. Next I color the eyebrow in with the shadow, making sure no spots have been missed.
4. If your eyebrows are getting long you can brush them upwards and trim, you don't need to pluck them out. Over-plucking=no bueno.

This is a very brief explanation. Go on over to the Beauty Department website for a great description on where the curve should be, where the brow should end, begin, etc.



Do you color in your brows?
What products do you use?

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Monster Mouths!

So I have to say that I totally stole this idea from Pinterest, and just thought it was the cutest thing ever. My little 5 year old brother Landon stayed home from school today with a cold and once I showed him the picture of this he begged me all morning to make them with him.  It was so much fun to put these little mouths together and so easy! All we did was cut red apples into small slices, (the smaller the slice, the easier it is to stay together), put peanut butter on one side of each slice, apply marshmallows to the peanut butter, and then place another slice on top! i thought we would just keep them on the plate and put them on the table for the day for decoration, but landon convinced me to try one, and they turned out pretty dang yes, we ate all of them. It was Landon's brilliant idea to put a stick through them to hold them  up to our mouths! Happy Halloweeeenn.
I'm linking up to All things Lovely so you can all check out tho other pinterest recreations!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Volleyball Begins!

League has finally started!!! These past few months playing volleyball have made my freshman year amazing!! There are 16 girls on my team and each girl I love. My position is setter and other than the dark purple bruises that I get after every practice, it is great! But hey in my opinion it kinda looks tough don't you think? But just recently we played at a tournament and our team took first place! At the end they handed out awards and i got MVP over the entire tournament. Everybody was congratulating me, and I felt so lucky to get this award other than the fact I had no idea what it meant! I regret asking anyone because I'm going to be made fun of for my entire life for thinking it stood for "Miraculous Volleyball Player" when it really stands for "Most Valuable Player." During those moments you can tell that I'm a blonde from the heart.
But volleyball has been apart of me for most of my life. Ever since I was a little girl, I went to Whitney's, Alyssa's, and Hayley's volleyball games watching on the sidelines cheering them on. Now here i am on the court being the one cheered at. It really goes to show that time does fly and i'm cherishing every moment of it!

Monday, October 10, 2011

Weekend Happenings

Hi Everyone! Happy Monday. I hope you all had a great weekend! My agenda went like this:
1. Shopping and doing Nails with a friend
2. Playing in a Beach Volleyball Tournament
3. Hot Tub and dinner with husband
4. Church and Sunday Nap

The Sunday nap is the key part of the weekend. Being a "Wilson" means that you love to sleep. We love to shut down on Sunday and take a nice snooze. I can't be changed, it's in my DNA. Alyssa is probably the best "napper". She can go down for 4 hours no problem. Well actually the only problem with taking a nap is not being able to fall asleep. I have many memories of being super hyper with my sisters in the late hours of Sunday. We would try and lay down in bed but would end up laughing and talking because none of us could fall asleep. I miss those days, Chad is not a "napper" so I have to convince him to stay up late with me while I can't fall asleep. If I can't convince him, then I get on the computer and skype with my sisters :)

Also I blogged over here today about Candy Corn Nails. Go check it out and let me know if you try it :)

Saturday, October 8, 2011


I was so excited earlier this week to finally see the first signs of the fall weather! I am seriously so drained from this ridiculous southern california heat and have been asking myself everyday this 100 degree plus summer why I live here. Yes, of course the beach is great, but it's not like I'm able to go to it everyday...(unless your whitney and chad). I think I have been a little too excited for it to cool down because i broke out the boots and long sleeves a month ago while everyone else has been in there shorts and flip flops. Cold weather is the FUNNEST to dress for! I LOVE IT! Now's the time to wear your burnt oranges/yellows, reds, dark purples, and browns... And that's why I am going to share with you my 5 favorite fall fashions for this year!

1st:  Baggy Sweater: I love the comfy, laid back look. Can't find a baggy sweater you like? Don't worry. find a normal sweater you Do like, and buy it in an extra large! (Don't make fun of me, that's what I did for the sweater I am wearing:) can buy it here.

2nd: Riding Boots!: These were probably one of the best purchases i've made. I remember when I first bought these boots i'm wearing, a year ago, and one of my sister's ( i won't name any names but it rhymes with whitney) thought they were a little much, and now I believe she has a couple pairs....mmmhmmm.

3rd: Chunky Scarves: I want THIS one here, and probably will get it in every single color since I will be going to Antarctica, aka the land of Rexburg, Idaho in just a couple months.

4th: KNIT DENIM LEGGINGS...if you haven't tried these on before, DO. When did wearing jeans become just as comfortable as pajamas??

5th: Turquoise & caicos essie nail polish.

Hope you all enjoy these as much as I do...If I'm missing out on any other fun fall fashions..Please fill me in!


Wednesday, October 5, 2011

DIY:Button it UP!!!

So today i decided to show you guys how to make a button necklace, that you will L-O-V-E! It will cost you close to nothing and goes with anything! I can't tell you how many people have asked where i got it from. When i tell them that i made it, their first expression is "WHAT!?" Little do they know I used broken earrings, bracelets, rings, and buttons my mom had since like the 1800's. So today i decided that I will show all of you the few steps it takes to make a vintage stylish necklace that anyone, i repeat 'ANYONE' can make.
Materials needed:

Hot Glue
chain or ribbon

Jewels, buttons, ect..

Step:1 Cut the felt into a bib shape
Step:2 Before you glue, place the buttons where you want, until all the felt is covered
Step:3 Hot glue the buttons in place
Step:4 Attach the ribbon or chain to the back of the necklace with the hot glue. Then cut a little piece of felt to cover it up.
And there you go, hope you enjoy!!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Dress it Up!

Hi Everyone! I'm excited to post here on this blog with my sisters! I also blog over here,  about my life as a young married and the fun things me and my husband try and do before we settle down and have some little ones.

Today I am going to talk about the classic jeans and a t-shirt look. I love to wear jeans and pair it with my favorite t-shirt from Target. I have this tee in almost every color. But sometimes jeans and a t-shirt can get boring, or you may want to dress it up for a night time look. Here are a few ideas that you can do to spice up the classic look.

First you can add a belt, tuck in the front a little bit and put on a colorful scarf. Right here you could put on a pair of sandals and call it good for a day outing.
Or you can add a necklace instead of the scarf for a fancier look. I also added earrings and my favorite gold watch.
Now you need some heels. I love wearing these jewel toned wedges, they are super comfortable.  I bought them here
And lastly I threw on a black blazer from H&M to give the outfit some layer.
And there you have it, from daytime comfy to night time appropriate!